Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Its been awhile....

So heres my pictures for the past few days....
Sunday 1/31- Dear John: By Nicholas Sparks. This is seriously one of the best novels i have ever read! Its an outstanding book. If you have yet to read it, jump in the car, drive to the library, and check it out! ;)
Monday 2/1- Its February already!? Even though there are days that i very much dislike my job, i am thankful to have a workplace that is good pay, and gives me plenty of hours to make a teenage living, and then some.
Tuesday 2/2- Its snowing today!!!! This is a veiw from our balcany. Although im not a big fan of snow, its a beautiful sight! And you cant complain too much, seeing that we havent had very much snow.

Have a Wonderful tuesday blogging world!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2/02/2010

    Hey Beautiful! just stopping long enough to say I Luv U!!!

    Looking forward to seeing you!
