Monday, August 3, 2009


hey all!!! its been a loooong time! i havnt been up to much over here. same as usual, work work work. I should be in bed right now since i have to work early in the morning. but im to anxious/ excited because i might be possibly coming up north this weekend! ahhh. im soo anxious! the only reason why im not sure is cuz i have to work on thursday and if i can get someone to cover my shift than i will be going to see Grandma!!!!! i havent seen/talked to her in a couple of months. and miss her dearly. and i just need a relaxing long weekend. im hoping my prayers will be answered and i can go. i need to relax on the beach along my favorite body of water ever! Lake Superior!!!!
:S hope all works out!
P.S. Katie this post was for you!!! Love you BFFTTLSF!!!!! :)