Sunday, October 21, 2012

Day 14

Favorite Drink:
I love Liptons Mandarian Orange Tea! So good! :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 13

Window View
I love the view from my bedroom window! Since im on the upper level, you can see so much! During the winter its beautiful! 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day 11

Your Favorite Movie~
I have loved this movie since i was a little girl... and although i didn't completely understand it then, i loved watching it because of the dress attire! Movies set back in time are my favorite! And now that im older, and i know whats going on in it, i love it that much more! Such a beautiful movie about, heartbreak, excitement and true love!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 10

What you woke up to~
Isnt she so sweet!? I love when my mom brings her up to my room.. and she will sleep with me until i wake up! :) Shes so cute!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 9

A Secret~
I've always secretly wanted a Tattoo.... But i know i will never get one! I would be too chicken! But.. i have always thought it would be sweet to have on on my wrist just with the same concept as above.

Hebrew 11:1-Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Day 8

Something you Bought~
I bought these boots about two weeks ago from target... and i absolutly love them! :) And they were super cheap too!

Day 7

Something you Love~

I love to knit... its so soothing... my own remedy! :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 6:

Something Fun~

So the gang all got together and we Carved pumpkins! This is my guy.. a cute little owl sitting on a branch. Normally i am terrribblee at carving pumpkins. I am usually so impatient, and end up screwing something up. I did mess up his eyes, so they ended up being circles.. but all in all im pretty proud of it. We also made(well jess did) these awesome apple crisps where you make a crisp and core out an apple and cook it in the apple! So good! Heres the recipe And while we were doing all this we watched the classic, Hocus Pocus... perfect evening! :)

Day 5:

Your Favorite Show~

I am absolutly in love with Gilmore Girls.. i have every season on DVD.. and watch at least an episode before bed. Its such a great show!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 4:

Something you Made~

 I made this afghan for my Aunt about a year ago... i absolutly love the colors of it! And it is so soft! I cant wait for the blanket im working on now to be done! Its always a good feeling when you accomplish a project this big.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Photo Challenge: Day 2~ Nature

Fall is my absolute favorite Season! This bush is out in our front yard, in the garden. Its so cool how the color change has only taken over half the bush! 

Monday, October 8, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge: DAY 1

A Picture of yourself with 15 facts
1. My favorite Season is, Fall
2. I am Carefree
3. I have more then one "Best Friend"
4. I have Four Brothers, and One Sister
5. My Parents have been married for 26 years
6. I am Stubborn
7. I give to easily
8. My Favorite Artists are, Frank Sinatra and Tim McGraw
9. My Favorite TV show is Gilmore Girls
10. My Favorite Movie is Sense and Sensibility
11. My favorite Perfume is Light Blue by Dolce and Gabbana(if only i could afford it!)
12. I have worked in retail stores for the past 6 1/2 years
13. I still am not sure what i want to do for the rest of my life
14. I pray every single day, and talk to God every day.
15. I have been blessed with an awesome Life!